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Could your autoclave last 15+ years?

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Could your autoclave last 15+ years?

9th Aug 2023 in Dental, Animal Health, Healthcare

Tracey Cage, Practice Manager at Kelvin House Dental Practice in Kent, recently replaced a Little Sister SES 225B autoclave from Eschmann, which had been in the practice since August 2007! She says:

“It is essential to have reliable infection control equipment in the practice, because we simply can’t work without it. Both the products and the Care & Cover service offering from Eschmann have worked perfectly for us. The latter ensured that the equipment was kept in top condition and functioning optimally for as long as possible – all annual servicing and validation was taken care of with minimal fuss.

“If anything ever went wrong, someone was out quickly to fix the issue. We also saw the same engineer for many years, which helped with continuity of service, and they always told us exactly what was happening and what we needed to do. Of course, our team played their part in looking after the equipment properly with distilled water and daily/weekly testing for the old machine to ensure it continued to run effectively.

“We would absolutely recommend Eschmann equipment and the Care & Cover maintenance programme. The entire team have done a fantastic job and we have no complaints at all. The fact that one model lasted 16 years and we have another that is already 12 years old speaks volumes for the quality of the product and service. We will miss our old unit but we look forward to using the new Little Sister SES 3000B for the next decade!”

To discover our range of autoclaves that stand the test of time, click here or contact us.